Planning - The User Interface

The status bar

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The status bar is located at the bottom of the view.


Zum Vergrößern klicken.
The status bar



In the left pane various information about the current mouse position are displayed. So here can for example be displayed the actual date displayed, where the mouse is, or it displays information about the process or the task link, over which the mouse is currently positioned.The following gray area is used to display charging capabilities and is only active when in the view instead of downloading is in progress.After that the current mouse mode is displayed. Here, two modes can be selected. First, the selection mode (the default mode), made ​​with the selections and operations can be moved and second the link mode, can be created in the connections between activities and projects. .


The view in the selection mode

The view in the selection mode


The view in the link mode

The view in the link mode


In the next field, the status of the column definition is displayed. If this icon, as shown in the picture is displayed, for each division of the timeline vertical lines appear.


Vertical lines are displayed

Vertical lines are displayed


In the last cell it is indicated whether the note tool is active or not. With this tool, you can quickly obtain information about various objects in the plan view. When it is active (see picture), close to the mouse, information about the object are automatically displayed. These include project or task information, but also information on individual burdens that are raised on a resource.


The active notetool

The active notetool


Lastly nor the type of view is shown. The view may be the views for a planning view or a project view. The biggest difference between the two is that in a project view you can only upload a single project and with plan view you are able to upload multiple projects.

The project view

The project view



The entry, exit or switching between different functions works via the corresponding buttons on the toolbar.