Planning - The User Interface - Planning- and project view

Resource load

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If you are interested in knowing the load of resources during the creation of a plan, you can show the planned projects in the currently visible resources quickly and smoothly in the lower part of the planning view. Use the information in "View" menu and then select the menu item "View Resources" or alternatively direct the shortcut "Ctrl" + "B".


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A planning view with the resources load


In the planning view, you see the planned resource projects and their exposure to all operations. You see that at resource 2.1 clearly indicated an overload by the red bar above the 100% mark. You can also see that this high overload is present only in this one day. In the upper area an operation has been selected with the mouse, whereupon PLANOUT automatically the burdens are highlightened in black the view below, which are caused by this operation. In this kind of view, the resources are shown relative. That means, it displays a representation of between 0% and 200%. You can choose a display of  the resources also in an absolute representation. Choose the "View" menu in the menu "Resource View" "Absolute" from.


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A planning view with the absolute resources load


If you do not need a workload for each day for a resource, but would like to stress the resource rather spread over a week, so this in the <%% APP_NAME> possible. Choose the menu "View" menu "Resource Grid" and then "week." With this aciton the burden for each resource in the view are distributed over the entire week. With this week capacities distinguishes, that are displayed in the absolute view as a gray background when in the week a day off (in the image of 31.10.) is.


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A planning view with absolute resources load, spread on every week