Planning - The User Interface - The menu

The menu insert

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The menu insert contains the following options.


The menu insert

The menu insert


Ein bestehendes Projekt in die Planungsansicht einfügen

Inserts an existing project in the planning view (only planning view)

Ein neues Projekt einfügen

Inserts a new blank project (only planning view). Automatically it will be shown a list of project characteristics.

Ein neues Projekt einfügen, dass aus einer Projektvorlage erstellt wurde

Inserts a new project, which was created with a project template (only planning view). Automatically it will be shown a list of project characteristics.

Ein Projekt einfügen, dass die Kopie eines bestehenden Projektes ist

Inserts a new project, which was copied from a existing project (only planning view). Automatically it will be shown a list of project characteristics.

Einen neuen Vorgang oberhalb des ausgewählten einfügen

Inserts a new task in the project above the selected operation.

Einen neuen Vorgang anfügen

Adds a new operation at the end of the tasklist in the hierarchy, in which the selected task is.

Einen neuen Vorgang aus einer Projektvorlage einfügen

With this action an excisting project template as an operation can be added before the selected operation (only planning view)

Einen neuen Vorgang aus einer Projektvorlage anfügen

With this action an excisting project template as an operation can be added at the bottom of the operation list, in which the selected task is. (only planning view)

Verbindungen zwischen Vorgängen anlegen

With this action it is possible to create a processlink between a selected and a further task.

Eine Ressource einfügen

Inserts a resource in a view. This can be for example a discrete or resource view in a planning view. It is however not possible, to add resources in tasks. Please use therefore the ressources-assignment in the toolbar or the propertiesdialog of the task.