Planning - The User Interface - The menu

The menu View

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The menu view contains the following options.


The menu view

The menu view


Die Granularität (Auflösung) der Zeitleiste einstellen

With this option you are able to set the granularity (means the release of time in single units) of the schedule bar.

Die Farbdarstellung der Projekttabelle auswählen

The project table illustrates projects and operations in different colour, which you can chose here.

Ressourcenansicht ein- oder ausblenden

In the bottom of the planning view you can demonstrate in the resource view the available resources. Using this option you can switch on or off this view.

Die Rasterung der Ressourcen einstellen

With the resource view it is possible to make visible the resource pattern of every day or even for the whole week.

Die Darstellung der Ressourcenauslastung auswählen

Here you can choose the view of degree of capacity utilisation.

Die Projektetabelle als Plantafel darstellen

In the planing table view the tasks, lying beneath a summary task, will be shown in their same task bar.

In die Matrixdarstellung wechseln

This action turns into matrix-look. To work with you need a special licence and a certain project structure.

Die Fortschritte in den Vorgängen anzeigen

With this option you can show every progress of the operations.

Projektübergreifende Verbindungen anzeigen

Opens a dialogue, demonstrating the projectoverlapping and -editing.

Aktualisiert die Ansicht

Reloads the view from cache.

Lädt das gewählte Projekt neu

Reloads the selected project from the data base. Non saved revisions may perhaps be lost.

Entfernt das Projekt aus der Ansicht

Removes the project from the view. It will not be deleted, but it will not be shown anymore.

Teilvorgänge ein- bzw. ausblenden

With this option subtasks from summary tasks can be shown or faded.

Alle Teilvorgänge eines Vorganges und seiner Teilvorgänge einblenden

With this action you can show all subtasks of a selected operation. Fading out subtasks is not possible.

Alle Teilvorgänge einblenden

With this action you show all projects a planning view is including and fades in all operations. Thus all subtasks are visible.

Alle Teilvorgänge einblenden

With this action you show all projects a planning view is including and fades out all operations. Thus only single projects without their subtasks are visible.

Die Ressourcen aus der Planungsansicht in einer Plantafel öffnen

The resources, included in the projects and operations of a planning view, can be opened in a new screen with a plan table.