Planning - Working with the planning - All about tasks - Assign resources

Assign resource

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Mit dieser Funktion wird eine Auswahl von Ressourcen angezeigt, die nach bestimmten Kriterien gefiltert sind. So werden z.B. nur Ressourcen angezeigt, die in einer einem Projekt zugeordneten Merkmalleiste vorhanden sind oder nur Ressourcen aus Ressourcengruppen, welche einem Vorgang zugeordnet sind.



Assign resources

Assign resources




Important: If one or more options are highlighted in grey, the requirements for the assignment are not met. For example, the point resource groups is grey highlighted, if the process is not a resource group.


Characteristic bar: If the option is selected, there only can be assigned resources, which are connected by sets of properties of the resource and the project.

Resource groups: If the option resource groups is selected, there only can be resources assigned that are available in a resource assigned to the task group.

Resource roles: If this option is selected, there can only be assigned resources that are present in the operation of an associated resource role.


Important: Resource roles can only be assigned to a task, provided, it was previously activated in the Options (Tools-> Options-> Advanced settings-allowed> process Actions-> assign resources roles?).