User manager - User Interface

Status bar

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In the lower right area of ​​the window is the status bar. It consists of three small icons that represent the processing status of the selected object. The display will be active as soon as a PLANOUT - To edit user role that is being edited in another user's manager already - users, a PLANOUT - group or a PLANOUT.


The status bar

The status bar


If only the green tick highlighted everything is OK - you are working on proper data. If, however, a PLANOUT - user, PLANOUT - group or a PLANOUT - To edit user role is already being processed in another User Manager, it automatically loads the yellow warning triangle and the data for processing inhibited. In the unlikely event that you want to edit old data, the red icon is highlighted. In this case, you should stop working and reload the data, because they were changed in the meantime.