A resource can not work without its own resource calendars. Without him, it has no capacity and can therefore be affected by any process, so work on any process.
The resource calendar is always based on the operating calendar, which the resource is assigned. Together with this and the values in the properties of the resource will then be for each calendar day of the operating capacity values for the resource created.
An example: In a company calendar from Monday to Friday and 100% on Sundays and Saturdays 0% working. Do you have the resource in the properties dialog in the "capacity" is assigned a default capacity for each day of 8 hours, the days are calculated as follows: Monday to Friday: 100% of 8 hours = 8 hours, Sunday to Saturday: 0% 8 hours = 0 hours. Should any of the holidays fall on a holiday or other Nichtbetriebstag are here usually also registered 0% resulting in a capacity of 0 hours. In this way, the entire resource calendar is calculated and presented in the terminal.
If now an event occurs that relates to that resource, this can be changed in the resource calendar itself. Relates to an event all the resources of an operating calendar, the change can take place there once for all.