Ressourcenmanager - Resources in <%APP NAME%> - Create a resource

Resource properties: Capacities distribution

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Since PLANOUT a grouping of resources, and use of resources in resource roles is possible, can also be adjusted, in what proportions, the capacity of a resource group or its resources to their role can be passed. If the respective percentage, e.g. for the group, is used up, however, the total capacity of the resource to be not yet reached, the resource is not utilized in automatically continues. You could accomplish this only by the resource already passive overload. This means that in the example, both the group and the role 100% capacity provide. So you risk being over-exposure to the capacity of both units. But, according to PLANOUT, it is up to you how you want to build your plan.



The Capacities distribution of a resource

The Capacities distribution of a resource