Planning - The toolbar

The toolbar

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With the toolbar you can use the most common functions. In the major part you have to select a project or operation to execute a function.


Zum Vergrößern klicken.
The toolbar


The icons are:


Eine vorhandene Planungsansicht öffnen

Opens an excisting planning view.

As this happens in the actual screen, the previous planning view will be quit.

Speichert die aktuelle Planungsansicht

Saves the actual planning view. Please note, that not the shown projects will be saved, but the view of them.

Speichert das aktuelle Projekt

The selected project will be saved in the database.

Speichert alle in der Planungsansicht sichtbaren Projekte

All projects, a planning view includes, will be saved.

Die aktuelle Ansicht drucken

Opens the print preview dialog, in which further options can be set and in which you are able to print the complete view.

Die letzte Aktion rückgängig machen

Undoes the preliminary action.

Die zuletzt rückgänig gemachte Aktion wiederherstellen

Redoes a recent undone action.

Den ausgewählten Vorgang eine Ebene höher stufen

The same operation is set to the same hierarchical level as his current sum operation. Any existing operations that are shown in the view below the selected process are then assigned to the selected task as sub tasks. This action does not work with processes that are already in the first hierarchical level below the project.

Den ausgewählten Vorgang eine Ebene tiefer stufen

The same operation is set up a hierarchy level deeper. Thereby, the process, which is right in the view of this, becomes a sum operation. This action does not work on tasks that are already displayed right under a total process.

Einen neuen Vorgang oberhalb des ausgewählten einfügen

Inserts a new task in the project above the actual selected task.

Einen neuen Vorgang anfügen

Inserts a new task at the bottom of the task list in the hierarchy-level, in which the actual selected task is.

Die Eigenschaften des ausgewählten Elements anzeigen

Opens the properties dialog of the selected task.

Schaltet in den Verknüpfungsmodus

Turns the view into the linking mode. With this action you are able to create links between the tasks.

Schaltet in den Selektionsmodus

Turns the view in to select mode. This is the standard mode, with whom you can chose, move and change tasks.

Alle Teilvorgänge einblenden

This action is effective without a selection on all projects that are currently included in the plan view and displays all tasks. All subtasks are visible.

Alle Teilvorgänge ausblenden

This action is effective without a selection on all projects that are currently included in the plan view, hiding all processes. Thus only the individual projects without their subtasks are visible.

Das Notiztool ein- oder ausschalten

With this action the editing tool can be switched on or off. You can see the actual status at the status bar.

Vertikale Linien in der Projekttabelle anzeigen

With this action the vertical lines in the project table beneath the time subdivision can be faded in or faded out.

Zeigt den Anfangs-, Ist- und Planstatus der Projekte

These options will be explained in the submenu drop-down.

Die Ansicht filtern

Opens a filters dialog, with whom the contents of the table can be filtered out by project specific options.

Eine Terminierung durchführen

The scheduling dialog for the first selected project appears.

Ressourcen austauschen

Opens a dialog, in which the resources (or resources group), already in task or project selected, can be substituted by others.

Aktualisiert die Ansicht

Updates the view from the data cache.

Lädt das gewählte Projekt neu

Loads the selected project from the database. Non-saved changes may be lost.

Öffnet den Feinplanungsdialog

Opens a dialog, with whom a process, that causes stress on resources, these loads can be distributed within the process again.

Öffnet das Ressourcenzuordnungsfenster

Opens a window, in which all resources are shown in a tree structure. The resources can then be associated with the mouse by dragging and droping the visible operations.