Planning - The User Interface

Planning board

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With the planning board the resources can be placed at the center of you attention. This view represents the resources on the left side of the table, and assigns them to all processes in which they are scheduled.You will get a graphic representation of all processes and their time position in which a particular resource is scheduled. By simply dragging and dropping, you can move the operations of both time and assign them other resources. First you have to select the menu "Insert" menu and then click the item "resource" to add the appropriate resources.It must be noted that the long task bars are roughly scheduled operations and the short contiguous, finely planned.



A Planning board with resources
A Planning board with resources




The Planning Board is now scheduled at the resource level. In the left column you will see all the inserted resource. Its associated operations are shown on the right. At the bottom the utilization of individual resources are displayed.The planning board allows to remove congestion with simple drag & drop operations by the other resources or any other date to be assigned.


The next application of the process that produces an overload on the resource "Willi", another, free resource is assigned.



Before the removal of the congestion
Before the removal of the congestion


The process has now been moved to a different resource (process with the left mouse button and hold shift); at the bottom of the removal of the load on the resource "Willi" is visible - the new burden is now on the resource "Moritz".


The overload is removed
The overload is removed




To remove the congestion of a resource it is possible to perform the process at a different date or to extend the cycle time.

In the next example, the task named  "manufacturing" is dragged a bit in the length to enlarge the processing period may work in the resource.


Before the new allocation
Before the new allocation








Here the procedur was pushed forward for a few days. Thus, the resource was made ​​available more time to complete the proposed work and to remove the congestion.


After the allocation
After the allocation




In the example below you will see the process "construction" of the project "N 87431". For this process it has been determined, that the planning is on morning and afternoon times, therefore a task bar turned into two bars. The working hours of the resource are defined in the detailed planning work hours in the resource dialog. With these processes can now be worked as well, as described above.



Detailed planned task at morning and afternoon
Detailed planned task at morning and afternoon


As you can see in the picture above, the resource named 'Karl' is including a heavy overload. The processes that generate this overload can now be assigned to a different time period or any other resource.



To remove the congestion of the resource the operations are postboned a few days.



Removing the overload
Removing the overload



In the picture below, the option to select more than one is active (red outline) and some operations selected. This option allows multiple operations to be moved simultaneously. The allocation to other resources must still be completed individually.



Selection of several tasks
Selection of several tasks




In the subsequent step, the detailed planning is performed. This means, that the planning, set for the next period (e.g. 2 weeks) will now yield optimal schedule for each resource.








Optimal planning and detailed planning identified by the fact that all resources have their 100% load. As you can see in the screenshot below, each resource is 100% or almost been busy and thus provides a nearly optimal planning. This status was reached by extending the operations "design" (brown, yellow) and "manufacturing" (pink - achieved long operations), as well as through the reallocation process of "construction" (pink - short process) to the resource "Wolfgang".


Optimal Scheduling
Optimal Scheduling