Planning - The User Interface - The menus

The menu 'File'

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The menu option 'file' includes the following option:


The menu 'file'

The menu 'file'


Eine neue Ansicht öffnen

Opens a new view. It opens, depending on the selection, a view in a separate screen.

Eine vorhandene Planungsansicht öffnen

Opens an excisting planning view.

As this happens in the actual screen, the actual planning view will be closed before.

Die Planungsansicht speichern

Saves the actual planning view

Die Planungsansicht unter neuem Namen speichern

Saves the actual planning view as a new file-name (only planning-view)

Die Planungsansicht löschen

The actual planning view is being deleted. The integrated projects however are not concerned of this step.

Die Planungsansicht schliessen

Closes the actual planning view (only planning view))

Ein Projekt öffnen

Open project.

The actual planning view will be closed and turned into another planning view, in which the project, you are going to chose, will be opened.

Eine Projektvorlage öffnen

Open a project template.

The actual planning view will be closed and turned into another planning view, in which the project templete, you are going to chose, will be opened.

Ein neues Projekt anlegen

Creates a new project.

The actual planning view will be closed and turned into another planning view.  in which the project templete, you are going to chose, will be opened.

aktuelle Planungsansicht wird geschlossen und in eine Projektansicht gewandelt.  In this planning view there will created a new project, depending on the choice you made.

Alle angezeigten Projekte speichern

Save all visible projects.

All uploaded projects will be saved in the actual planning view.

Ein Projekt speichern

Save the actual project.

Ein Projekt unter einem neuen Namen speichern

The name of the actual project will be changed and saved with a new name.

Einen Export durchführen

Exports the actual project in the file format 'csv'.

Druckt die aktuelle Ansicht

Prints the actual project.

Die Planung beenden

Quits the planning and further opened planning views, which were opened from the planning.