Planning - The User Interface - Context menu

of Projects

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The context menu of a project differs in some respects from that of a process, since many project-specific actions are available.



The context menu of projects

The context menu of projects


Öffnet den Eigenschaftendialog des Projektes

Opens the properties dialog of the selected project.

Öffnet einen Dialog um einen Kommentar einzugeben

Opens a dialog to enter a comment for the selected project.

Fixierung des Projektes setzen oder aufheben

Fixes the project and all its operations, or dissolves the fixation again.

Lastet das gesamte Projekt ein oder wieder aus

Patches the project and all of its operations, or dispatches it.

Stauts auf Freigegeben ändern

Changes the status of the project and its operations into Released status, if the current status is smaller (Pending). Ändert den Status des Projektes und seiner Vorgänge auf Freigegeben, falls der derzeitige Status kleiner ist (Unerledigt).

Einen neuen Vorgang anfügen

Adds a new task to the end of the top-level operation of the project.

Das gesamte Projekt terminieren

Opens the scheduling dialogue for the first selected project.

Die Gefährdungsberechnung nochmals durchführen

Performs calculation of endangement and updates view of the risk. Usually the risk is calculated automatically after a change.

Das Projekt speichern

Saves the project in the database.

Einen Report auswählen

Opens a selection dialog, in which you can view with the various reports on the local machine.

Das Projekt in eine csv Datei exportieren

Exports the project into the file format 'csv'.

Das Projekt löschen

The project is deleted irretrievably from the database.

Attention: This action can not be undone in projects!

Eine Projektvorlage als Vorgang einfügen

This action allows, that an existing project template will be inserted as a process as the first operation of the project.

Eine Projektvorlage als Vorgang anfügen

This action allows, that an existing project template are added to the end of the process as top-level operation of the project.

Ressourcen tauschen

Opens a dialog, in which with already planned resources (or resource group) of a projects can be replaced by others.


Pass through

You can transfer a couple off attribute from the selected task/project to all subtasks