Planning - Working with the planning - All about projects

Move project/subproject

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With the function Extras - "Move project / sub-project"> you can move projects and summary tasks on a specific date or for any period.




Move to:

This feature allows the project / sub-project depending on the operating calendar to be shifted to a specific start or end date.


Projekt/Teilprojekt verschieben auf

Projekt/Teilprojekt verschieben auf




Move by:

With this function, a project / sub-project may depending on the operating calendar for a determinate period of time from the start or end date to be moved.


Move project/subproject by

Move project/subproject by


Exact move: Moves the project / sub-project Moves exactly for a specified period.

Maintaining weekday: Moves the project / sub-project for a specified period, but retains the current weekday.