HowTo Migrate PLANOUT DerbyDB
Use Squirrel to export data.
1.Download and install (everything) Squirrel
2.Add Derby-Driver
3.Add alias to destination database
4.Connect to database
DANGER: Stop PLANOUT-Application-Server first.
5.Open the Object-Browser, switch to PLANOUT and open the table folder. Select all Tables.
6.By context menue choose “Scripts” then “Create Data Script”
7.Save the results to a file
Prepare exportfile for MS SQL
1.Open the file with an editor. For example:
2.Replace expression ‘"PLANOUT".’ with nothing.
3.Replace expression ‘{ts’ with ‘CAST(‘
4.Replace expression ‘{d’ with ‘CAST(‘
5.Replace expression ‘{t’ with ‘CAST(‘
6.Replace expression ‘}’ with ‘ AS datetimeoffset)’
7.Search for ‘BLOB(x’ and modify the T_USER-rows like this
Prepare PLANOUT-database on MS SQL-Server
1.Install PLANOUT and start PLANOUT-Server to create schema on the database.
2.Stop PLANOUT-Server
3.Start SQL Server Management Studio an logon SQL-Server with user planout
4.Use the destination database
SQL> USE planout
5.Delete all tablecontent !DANGER! EXEC sp_MSforeachtable "delete from ? "
6.Disable foreign key constraints. EXEC sp_msforeachtable "ALTER TABLE ? NOCHECK CONSTRAINT all"
Import data
1.Load exportfile with SQL Server Management Studio
2.Execute file
4.At least: EXEC sp_msforeachtable "ALTER TABLE ? WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT all"