With project scheduling, projects with a range of different criteria can be scheduled.
What effect does the different types of termination have is explained briefly below.
Type of scheduling:
In forward scheduling, the earliest completion date is calculated from the time of planning.
With backward scheduling the latest start date is calculated from the desired completion date.
The double termination is a combination of forward and backward scheduling. Firstly a forward scheduling is performed and the earliest completion date is calculated. Starting from this date, then the backward scheduling is performed.
The backward - and forward scheduling first calculates the latest start date. Starting from this date, then the forward scheduling is performed.
The double scheduling has the advantage that it allows an automatic determination of the total slack and the critical operations.
Dispatching specifications
At dispatching specifications the process settings are used.
In the dispatching specifications the process will be divided out equally.
With the resource availability dispatching a period, where sufficient capacity exists, is searched.
The option can load up to [%] to specify what percentage of the resource loaded scheduling in resource availability may / will be overloaded.
If the option is chosen to ignore overload, the load is utilized to the maximum in order to keep the process as short as possible.