Planning - Working with the planning

Filtered planning view

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Using filtered views you can load and save projects, which are filtered according to specific criteria. The crucial difference from normal planning views, is not that the projects from the planning stage, but projects that match the filter are loaded.



To use the filtered planning views, you must first apply the option, save view in planning and select dialog.



Save planning view

Save planning view




After you enable the filter the various search / filter criteria are displayed.



Save planning view with fiilter
Save planning view with fiilter




Short name

Sets the label for the view

Long name

Defines the name for the view


Commentary for the view


Defines whether the view is visible only for personal users, or all users.

Use filter

Enables/Disables the filter function for the view

Startdate from

Filter for the start date of the projects

Enddate  till

Filter for the end date of the projects

Status from

Filters the projects and determine which status the projects are loaded.

Status till

Filters the projects and defines to what status the projects are loaded.

Responsible user

Loads only projects with the selected responsible user


Filter for project categories

Characteristic bar

Filters for characteristic bar, only projects with the selected set of properties and options chosen are loaded, an option field is left blank, this field is ignored when loading.